Duranplanet Anyone Out There

[Mostra] JOHN & NICK al Frieze Art Fair 2008 - Private View

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    Post: 6.939
    Registrato il: 12/11/2005
    Utente Master
    00 16/10/2008 20:46
    LONDON - OCTOBER 15: John Taylor and Nick Rhodes, attend the 2008 Frieze Art Fair private view at Regents Park in London, England. The Frieze Art Fair will run from October 16-19 and features work from 150 of the world's most exciting contemporary art galleries.


    Ma porca pupazza.... Barby.... HELP!!!! [SM=x975966]







    Pure Valentino c'era!! [SM=x976004]



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    Post: 789
    Registrato il: 14/04/2006
    Utente Senior
    00 16/10/2008 21:04
    Stefy63, 16/10/2008 20.46:

    Ma porca pupazza.... Barby.... HELP!!!! [SM=x975966]

    TEEEESSSSSOOOOOROOOO!!!!! Hai tutta la mia solidarietà, anche IO ho tutta la MIA solidarietà!!!! Ma NOI.... No, dico, MA NOI (!!!!) dove ca**o eravamo????? [SM=x975966] [SM=g27816] [SM=x976015]

    How can you dare to become so real when you're just a ghost in me...